Moving Space Hackathon is a global challenge of Moving Space applied design organized by PIX Moving.
We are looking for creators, automotive designers, architects, interior designers, engineers, brand owners and operators, digital nomads, etc. from all over the world to collaborate with us as we investigate new ways of life, new applied scenarios, and new business models based on the concept of Moving Space.
Participants will be required to finish the Moving Space interior design using a decentralized AI car manufacturing platform called PIX Algorithm Modeling(PAM™), and plan a practical operation for their Moving Spaces over the course of 31 days.
31 days
50 creators
1 MovingSpace
5 industries

For The Next-gen Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) Experience
Robo-vehicle powered by autonomous driving tech.
To make configurable and shareable space a reality using self-driving technology, Moving Space will increase the efficiency of space distribution, resulting in a more responsive and sustainable smart city.
Imagine a Moving Space where you can enjoy a dedicated piece of life: sipping coffee on a Moving Cafe, reading a beloved book on an on-demand Moving Bookstore, taking a nap on a Moving Lounge, or watching movie in a Moving Cinema, even working out in a Moving Gym on your way back home.


Moving Space Rebuild Cities
Now picture a city where people's homes are made up of moving modular spaces:
citizens get to self-plan the amount of space they require, such as "gym," "office," "kitchen," and other extended moving spaces as needed to connect and expand their basic living space.This effectively lowers the cost of living for urban youth while also providing a sustainable paradigm.
In this light, at the close of 2022, PIX Moving introduced Hackcity - an Urban Design Challenge - to explore the urban environments of the future.
In 2023, we'll keep pushing for actual production and operations of the Hackcity, digging deeper into the Moving Space as the basic unit and discovering its potential applied areas, life scenarios, social impact, and economic models...


Design and build on the basis of PIX's Moving Space model
Focus on Moving Space's interior design and use
Focus on MaaS (Mobility-as-a-Service)
Showcase lifestyle on Moving Space, combining culture and business model
Meet industrial manufacturing standards using the PAM™ platform
Initiate fundraising with the project plan (its site will be decided by the users)
Co-create with global innovators
Based on the Moving Space models and the industry you explore. Select one of the application scenarios for in-depth design.


For a ride

For on-demand experience
- Apr.30
Sign up (closing on)
Participant List Confirmation
Start the Hackathon
Kick-off party
May.06 - Jun.04
STAGE I : Conceptual design
STAGE II : Product design
STAGE III : Product engineering
STAGE IV : Proposal integration
Final Presentation
Award Announcement

Earn the chance to win/gain access to:
1. Competition Prize Pool: 15K USD
2. Global Media Exposure
3. Design Rights Validation - Get Exclusive Moving Space NFT
4. Become a Key Contributor to DeAuto DAO by acquiring DAT/POAP
5. Moving Space Shop Project Incubation and Operation Revenue
6. Visit PIX C-zone (Smart Manufacturing Factory), witness and participate in the Moving Space production


The Next-Generation Platform for Design, Engineering and Manufacturing.
PIX Moving’s AIGC: PAM (PIX Algorithm Modeling)™
It offers engineers and designers a brand new AI-driven workflow across all aspects of their work, from design to digital processes, collaboration, and engineering management.
PAM™ is a generative design platform that integrates algorithmic design, simulation, and manufacturing to increase the efficiency of parts design by 60% and the efficiency of lightweight design by up to 20% when compared to the efficiency of sophisticated engineers.
It only takes a few minutes for PAM™ to generate dozens of options for engineers to choose from. Whenever there is a need for adjustment, a new boundary condition can be set.
By adjusting system parameters, the CAD model, manufacturing and process files, and costs of the vehicle can be generated instantly. Therefore, engineers and designers can instantly assess the design’s merits in terms of accuracy, cost, timeliness, etc., leading to enhanced precision and productivity in the manufacturing of customized products.
“We are on the lookout for a new evolutionary step.”
The past century of automotive innovation has reshaped modern life and urban areas at an unprecedented rate and scale. As a result of the decreased costs associated with automobiles made possible by assembly line production, more families are able to purchase personal cars; urban vehicles are popularized; roads are constructed; living space boundaries are widened; and people's lives and social activities are richer and more dynamic.
However, while people are shaping a "completed" city, the advancement of technology has prompted them to reconsider the past and look ahead to the future. We cannot deny the positive impact of the automobile industry, but on the other hand, the city occupied by the road is like a piece of splitted iron, cold and isolated; traffic congestion and air pollution have caused new problems for the living environment. Overcapacity and high innovation thresholds are just two examples of the automotive industry's negative effects, and the fact that only a select few are able to play the game presents a barrier to the technological ecology's diversity and autonomy. Monopolies in communication and information erode users' data privacy and limit people's access to more diverse and personalized products.
Cities and people alike are on the lookout for a new evolutionary step, just as technology and machines are constantly pursuing their own.